Pracownik Dunnes Stores otrzymal 15.000 euro po wypadku w pracy

Home/AKTUALNOŚCI/Pracownik Dunnes Stores otrzymal 15.000 euro po wypadku w pracy

Pracownik Dunnes Stores otrzymal 15.000 euro po wypadku w pracy

In March 2012 Jessica Kelty was pushing a 2 metre loaf of bread when the top tray fell off and hit her in the head. Ms Kelty said she fell to the ground and felt dizzy. Dunnes employee came to her aid before she attended the A&E department in Tallaght Hospital where she had been detained overnight for observation.

Following the accident Ms Kelty suffered headaches as well as pain in her neck.  She had self-medicated with over the counter pain killers she bought at her local pharmacy. However, her neck pain still persisted.

Judge O’Sullivan, awarding her €15,000 damages. He believed she had not been really looking after herself and had not gone for any physiotherapy.  Judge O’Sullivan further added that she had not attended her doctor for more than three years after the accident and the court was driven to the conclusion she “wasn’t that badly hurt.”

2020-09-02T12:09:40+01:00October 11th, 2016|AKTUALNOŚCI|

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